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Golda Och Academy Fundraiser


In 2006, Evan Robbins, started Breaking the Chain Through Education (BTCTE), a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to eradicating child slavery in Ghana, Africa and to helping victims of trafficking achieve long-term success and independence.  

BTCTE's unique mission is to care for formerly trafficked children until they become self-sufficient adults. The charity funds the children's tuition at any level (elementary through university) as well as vocational training programs or apprenticeships. BTCTE also provides assistance with housing, food, clothing, school supplies, tutoring, emotional support and medical expenses.


*New Jersey Jewish News even featured BTCTE in a cover story on February 2, telling the story of the organization's founding, growth, and impact. Click HERE to read the article. 

*Central featured BTCTE's Metuchen High School club students on February 2.  Click HERE to read the article.

Please consider donating any amount by clicking this button:


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